Mid-10th century architects tended to react against the simplicity and strict symmetry of Georgian architecture. Contradicting the more pretentious neo-classicist (mostly Grecian) ideals of London’sRegency architects, many expatriate Victorians ‘went Gothick’ with romantic pastiches of Mediterranean, medieval European and occasional Islamic and Oriental features.

Topics surveyed in Chapter 3 of Australian Architecture are:

—Launching Victoria’s reign

—Early Victorian architectural styles

—Planning a new Government House

—Regulating architecture

—Sydney’s early terrace houses

—Surges of churches

—Next-generation architects

—Updating Port Jackson

—Mid-century streetscapes

—Edmund Blacket and Pugin’s true principles

—Other colonies emerge

—Norfolk Island’s second settlement

—Tensions in Van Diemen’s Land

—Developing Melbourne

—Opening Moreton Bay to free settlers

—Adelaide’s early civic structures

—Architecture on the threshold